If you're EU: whatever you choose, hit me up for some tips, advice or some coaching sets whenever you hit a wall. But for what it's worth, I think 4 is a superior game. Unless you want to get bodied by veterans of SF4 (the only ones still around) out for blood for the next 3 years while you get good, I'd get 5 if you're going to chose between those two. Most of them (besides matchmaking) are irrelevant to you as a new player, unless you're buying it to play vs ai offline, in which case get 4. On the other: SFV has been specifically neutered in the difficulty department to make the series more welcoming to newcomers and is the only SF game with a large playerbase of newbie to intermediate players, but there are some issues with the release. Ever since its initial release, the Street Fighter IV series has remained the most popular competitive fighting game franchise on the planet and continues to smash records in terms of tournament attendance and stream viewers Now, the series evolves to a whole new level with Ultra Street Fighter IV for PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and PC Continuing the tradition of excellence the series is known for, five new characters and six new stages have been added for even more fighting mayhem, with.
Polished and refined over 8 years and is vastly cheaper. On the one hand: USF4 is a completed, tried and tested competitive and solid game. It is mostly preference, at least as far as the gameplay is concerned. A great many experienced players prefer 4. SFV is simpler to get into and play, has a much larger player base and is the current SF game at competitive events.