The code should be formatted like this: s#h#c#b#c#t# Letter Generally you would base your choices on the selected portrait, unless no portrait was set. You can now further customize your NPC by entering a code here.
If you select one of these ten models (2 genders for each of the 5 races), an Input Portrait Code text box will appear. The exception is the Core options located under the Seattle menu. You cannot change their hair color or other characteristics. For example, if you select Standard/ElfMaleGanger, then the character will appear as a pre-defined Elf Male Ganger. Most of the models are 'pre-fab' options that cannot be customized. To add a custom portrait exclusive to your campaign, make a 212x278 PNG image and save it in your content pack under the /art/portrait folder. By default this includes all of the portraits in the base game, including PC and NPC options.
You may select a portrait from those available to the content pack.
You can use this picture viewer to view available models Character Portrait With an actor selected, select from the properties view to open the Character Instance Editor.Ĭlicking the current model will open a drop down that with all the models available to the current content pack based upon its dependencies. 3.1 Creating Custom Randomize From Groups.